Supplied by the City of Sault Ste. Marie…
Sault Ste. Marie, ON (2018 03 14) – Mayor Christian Provenzano met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday. During the meeting, Mayor Provenzano recognized the Federal Government’s assistance and support to date and urged the Government to continue to act in defense of the Canadian steel industry.
The United States Government announced last week that tariffs will be implemented on steel entering the country with exemptions granted to Canada and Mexico. However, the US is applying tariffs on steel entering from other countries which creates a risk that steel destined for US markets will be dumped in Canada.
“I discussed with the Prime Minister the importance of preventing dumped steel product from entering our country as it would have a negative effect on our domestic and local industry,” said Mayor Provenzano.
“I am encouraged by the progress made by the Federal Government to ensure Canada has been exempted from steel tariffs. However, there is clearly uncertainty about the status of the exemption and I am committed to continue acting as an advocate for the steel industry with City Council, MP Terry Sheehan and MPP Ross Romano.”
Last week, Mayor Provenzano spoke with US Consul General Juan Alsace, Mayor Fred Eisenberger of Hamilton, Ontario and Mayor Tony Bosbous of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Mayor Provenzano sent communications to US Ambassador Kelly Kraft and his counterparts in American communities that would be directly or indirectly affected by tariffs on steel made at Algoma.
“I called on US municipal leaders to work within their federal administration to ensure that Canadian steel was exempt from any potential tariffs, and I will be following up to continue making the fact based case that steel trade between Canada and the US is fair and balanced,” said Mayor Provenzano.
Mayor Provenzano and Mayor Eisenberger will also be sending joint letters to US cities that would be directly affected by a tariff on Canadian steel.