Supplied by Rotary Club of Sault Ste. Marie…
Have you ever described a co-worker as one of the most sincere and honest people you have ever met? Or as being of the highest moral standard? Or as having unlimited patience? That is exactly how Joe Maione’s co-workers remember him.
Adam Slumskie met Joe Maione in 2006 when he started working at CIBC Wood Gundy Intrinsic Financial Group, “Joe truly cared for the people in our community that he felt could use assistance in some way.” Adam’s knowledge of Joe’s community involvement includes over 20 charities, which “likely only covers a small portion of what Joe has done over the years.” Christmas Cheer, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and the YMCA are just a few examples.
Joe passed away on April 28, 2017, and is dearly missed by many, including Greg Zahn who met Joe in homeroom at Sault Collegiate in September 1979 and formed a friendship that lasted through high school, college, and their professional careers – including CIBC Wood Gundy Intrinsic Financial Group: “Joe taught us to laugh, not to let anything bother you, and to keep an open mind to all issues and problems.”
In honour of Joe, CIBC Wood Gundy Intrinsic Financial Group will be making a donation of $10,000 to rename the Easter Seals Telethon “Soo-per People Board” after Joe Maione, above and beyond their regular support of the Telethon. This part of the Telethon set is a recognition piece for those donors who give $100 or more.
“I always felt that Easter Seals was Joe’s favourite charity,” shared Adam, “Joe coached and grew up helping with Special Olympics, so I think he always understood the tremendous needs of the families.”
Joe’s office proudly displayed the “many posters of his charities and numerous photos of his participation, with his humble and gentle smile,” remembers Mirella Aubertin who was hired by Joe in 1999. “It was self explanatory – volunteerism played a very important part in Joe’s life.”
Carolyn O’Connor, local Easter Seals Development Officer, reflected, “Joe made a difference in the lives of physically disabled children through Easter Seals Ontario in Sault Ste. Marie for thirteen years. To support our local Easter Seals Telethon, he gave personally and used his extensive business network to raise money, contributing over $35,000 to the event. Through his network of clients, family and friends, Joe facilitated untallied, but substantial, contributions for Easter Seals. And if that wasn’t enough, Joe made donations of items valued over $20,000 through his sports memorabilia hobby for Easter Seals to use on the telethon as incentives to increase donations from the public. We are tremendously grateful for all that Joe has done for Easter Seals, the Rotary Club of Sault Ste. Marie, and for our community.”
Joe gave more than many people would have ever known, as he didn’t do it for the attention or the accolades. According to Greg, “if Joe received and kept an award or an achievement for every single time he gave his time or money there would have been nowhere to move in his home and that is not an understatement.”
The $10,000 donation to Easter Seals will be made through Miracle Day, a CIBC Wood Gundy Intrinsic Financial Group initiative where advisors choose an amount from their fees to donate towards a child-centered charitable cause. The funds are raised locally through transactions in our community, and are used to make donations in our community, including recent donations to the Sault Star Santa Fund, Sault Area Hospital, ARCH, and the Group Health Centre.
The Easter Seals Telethon will take place on Sunday, March 25, 2018 on Shaw TV.
“We hope that people take some time to remember Joe and make a donation in his honour,” explained Greg, “This is the best way to keep his memory.”
Adam shared the sentiment, “we hope it reminds people to keep giving and maybe give a little more in honour of our friend Joe.”
From the lives he changed, to the individuals he inspired, and the charities who benefitted from his support – Joe’s heart for giving is still helping kids be kids. Joe’s generous spirit is missed, but not forgotten.