City council will be asked at Monday’s meeting to give its approval in principle to the hiring of a Prince Township firm to act as a watchdog when it comes to code of conduct issues for members of council and local boards.
Council will be asked to accept the recommendation of city staff to go with Ironside Consulting to provide the service at a rate of $205 per hour plus HST.
A report to council explains service will be accessed only as required or desired so billings will vary.
Formal approval will come back to council at a future meeting by way of a bylaw.

Council will also be asked to renew its support of a 100-thousand dollar loan guarantee for the Searchmont Ski Association.
The one year term would carry through to May of next year.
The money is used as collateral and enables the non-profit association to access a line of credit from its financial institution which provides working capital during the off-season for needed maintenance.
A report to council explains that the Economic Development Fund collateral has never been spent as the Asociation has been able to use generated revenues to repay its line of credit year after year which has been in place since 2007.