The speed limit on a section of Great Northern Road will be reduced.
City council gave its approval at last night’s meeting to reduce the speed limit by 10-kilometres an hour from 80 to 70 kilometres on a stretch of the road from north of 3rd Line to Fifth Line.
A petition with over 100 signatures was presented at last night’s meeting from local citizen Brian Wallenius who addressed council.
Formal approval for the change will be brought forward at a future meeting by way of a bylaw.

City council will be using part of a surplus to complete the funding needed for the Splash Pad.
The 2017 surplus came in at 3.3 million dollars and council narrowly gave its approval to use just over 100-thousand from it for the Splash Pad.
Surplus funds will also be used to purchase property to accomodate a snow dump for snow removal in the P-Patch area along with a portion of the central part of the city.
A portion of the surplus will also be directed to purchase a new zamboni and over 135-thousand dollars will go to road resurfacing work this year.