Court proceedings have continued in Sudbury in a case that will impact members of 21 Anishinabek Nations under the 1850 Robinson Huron Treaty and the annuities that are provided.
The case impacts both Garden River First Nation members and Batchewana First Nation and 40 members of Batchewana have made the trip to Sudbury to take in final arguments of the proceedings.
The case has been ongoing since September 2017 and centres around the annuity provision of the 1850 Robinson Huron Treaty where the First Nations were promised an increase to their share of revenue from the sale of natural resources from their lands.
The annuity is currently set at $4 per year and has not increase since 1874—the original amount was $1.60 per person.
The Annuities trial is scheduled to wrap up by the end of the month and a decision is expected by December.