Supplied by the City of Sault Ste. Marie…
Sault Ste. Marie, ON (2018 06 08) – Mayor Christian Provenzano offered the following remarks on the 42nd Ontario General Election held on Thursday.
“On behalf of myself and City Council, I congratulate Ross Romano on his re-election as our Member of Provincial Parliament and Doug Ford on becoming the Premier. We look forward to working with the newly elected Government of Ontario and to continue working with Ross for the betterment of our community.
To all of the candidates who put their names forward, thank you for your time and your effort. It takes a lot of commitment and dedication to participate in a campaign and you should all be recognized and commended for your efforts. Our democracy depends on your participation, and your City is grateful for your dedication.
I also want to recognize all of the hard working volunteers and Elections Ontario staff for making sure we all have the opportunity to vote. Your work is important.”