City police carried out a three-and-a-half month traffic enforcement initiative and as part of the initiative three additional officers were assigned to deal with traffic enforcement to assist the two current officers in the Traffic Services Division.
During the enforcement, progress was made in addressing the troubled intersection of Gore and Albert in which traffic lights were removed—–over a two month period during the enforcement there were no accidents.
Sergeant Ray Magnan from Traffic Services talks about where the local force may go from here…

The intitative was driven by complaints from the public regarding road safety especially at problem intersections and in response to an increase in accidents overall—–there were 200-more accidents in 2017 compared to 2016 and fatalities went up from 2 to 4.

One of those fatalities involved a driver losing a load from a trailer—-Sergeant Magnun says that was also a focus of the intiative…

During the initiative which wrapped up May 29th, over 18-hundred Highway Traffic Act charges were laid or warnings issued—-a 275% increase over the same period in 2017.
Also 49 vehicles were towed.