As part of a major restructuring of the Heart and Stroke Foundation organization the Sault Ste. Marie area office will be closing later this week.
The agency’s National Director of Community engagement Kari Flannery says the Sault office is one of more than two dozen offices across the country that are being shut down as they along with other Canadian charities are facing a challenging fund raising environment and financial pressures…

The Sault will be served by a home-based coordindator in Sudbury.  The Sault office has employed two full time permanent staff along with a contract position and was further supported by volunteers—it will be closed as of Thursday.
Flannery says the decision was made following a very long deep analysis of their programs, structures and offices nation-wide.
She talks about the impacts on programs for the Sault…

Flannery says the Big Bike fundraiser is very resource intensive and costly to run.
The Sault area will be served by a home-based coordinator in Sudbury.