Elliot Lake – Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing New Democrats have nominated Carol Hughes to seek re-election in the federal election that will take place this October. The meeting took place in Elliot Lake where the nomination was uncontested.
“I believe people in the north understand the idea that we are so much stronger when we work together and help those who need it,’ said Hughes. “That indomitable spirit has guided me over the years and inspires me to this day.”
Hughes recounted issues and projects that she has worked on noting that in some instances MPs on the government benches were forced into silence for fear of embarrassing their parties. She also criticized the government for failing to deliver on their promises.
“Whether it was the bold proclamations on electoral reform that amounted to nothing; the glacier-like pace of action on climate change that has only divided the country due to a lack of real leadership and inconsistent action; or the realization that corporate influence remains more important than the needs and concerns of hard-working Canadians. This government said a lot of nice things when they were trying to get elected, but Canadians will judge them on their actions not their sentiments,” said Hughes.
She also highlighted the important proposals New Democrats have brought to parliament and will continue to fight for including a universal single-payer pharmacare system, cracking down on tax cheats who increase the burden on everyone who plays by the rules, funding First Nations communities for critical things like education and safe drinking water, addressing the growing housing shortage that is affecting our children when they want to buy their first home, or – most importantly – ensuring future generations have a livable environment.
Hughes also noted that things haven’t changed much despite the change in government when it comes to the influence of powerful lobbyists.
“That’s why I want to continue to serve the people of Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing,” said Hughes. “So they can be certain that their voice isn’t sacrificed for the wishes of insiders and those who are already very privileged. So that we can work for a future that has a place for all of our children and to remind parliamentarians that we are there to serve our constituents, not just our patrons.”