Supplied by Sault Ste. Marie MP Terry Sheehan…
PRINCE TOWNSHIP (Thursday, April 25, 2019) — Sault Member of Parliament Terry Sheehan has announced a municipal infrastructure transfer payment (Gas Tax Top-Up) for the Township of Prince.
The township receives approximately $65,677 per year. The 2018-2019 amount has been doubled for a total of $131,354 in gas tax funding to the township.
Projects under this fund can be used for the following:
o Productivity and economic growth – including highways and local roads, public transit, and regional and local airports
o Clean environment – including drinking water, wastewater, and community energy systems
o Strong cities and communities – including sport and recreation, cultural and tourism, and capacity building
Most recently, the Government of Canada invested $100,000 last year, through Fednor to help Prince Township upgrade a community facility to become a multi-purpose pavilion that is accessible year-round.


“This federal funding will be put to good use in our growing community. Prince Township appreciates the support of the federal government through this fund. We also appreciate all the hard work that Terry Sheehan has done over the years that he has been our MP.”
– Ken Lamming, Mayor of Prince Township

“Public investments in areas like infrastructure are crucial to drive economic growth and strengthen the middle class. Through the federal Gas Tax Fund the Government of Canada is providing Prince Township with additional funding to address their highest priorities.”
— Terry Sheehan, Member of Parliament for the Riding of Sault Ste. Marie