Supplied by Sault Ste. Marie MP Terry Sheehan…
June 6, 2019 -Ottawa, Ontario- Today in Ottawa, MP Terry Sheehan took part in a debate in the House of Commons, calling on Opposition Members of Parliament to support Bill C-101.
Earlier this week, the Government of Canada announced it would take further action to support Canadian steel workers and help the industry continue to create good, well-paying, middle class jobs.
The Government tabled an Act to amend the Customs Tariff and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act. The Act would temporarily remove the two-year moratorium on the imposition of certain safeguard measures, giving the Government flexibility to act faster to stabilize Canada’s steel market and protect Canadian steel workers in the case of harmful surges in imports.
“We worked together, as Team Canada, to get the American tariffs removed. The Opposition knows full well the challenges we surmounted to get that done, and have publicly called for safeguards. Time to put their money where their mouth is. I urge all M.P.’s to continue supporting our steel workers and industry by supporting the legislation.” -Terry Sheehan