Question, how do you feel about your breast? I know, kind of a weird question for a guy to ask, but hopefully you say “I feel great about them” or “That you love them.”

The reason I ask that question is because of a new study from Anglia Ruskin University in the U.K. Found that the majority of women aren’t happy with their breast size and it is very troubling, because this can put their health at risk.

According to the research women who are not happy with their breast are less likely to do self-exams,  which could result in not detecting the first signs of breast cancer. This study was one of the world’s largest cross-cultural studies ever done that looked at body image. With 18,000 women from 40 different countries being involved!


  • 29% of women reported being “happy” with their size
  • 48% want bigger breasts
  • 23% wish theirs were smaller
  • “Both of these groups of women were also more likely to be unhappy with their weight and overall appearance.”

If you didn’t know, Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer related deaths for females and breast awareness is linked to the survival rate. Which is no surprise that the study’s lead researcher Viren Swami calls this  “a serious public health concern.” 

So the BIG takeaway…. Check Yourself!

Source: Women’s Health