Supplied by Garden River First Nation…
Chief Andy Rickard on behalf of Council and the community of Garden River First Nation is pleased to announce the following donations as part of our shared responsibility and commitment to help fight this global pandemic.

o Sault Area Hospital $15,000.00
o Community Soup Kitchen $ 1,000.00
o Salvation Army $ 1,000.00
o St. Vincent Place $ 1,000.00
o Algoma Harvest $ 1,000.00

The health, safety and social welfare of all citizens remain the highest importance for Chief and Council during this difficult time. Poverty, underemployment, boil water advisories and poor health conditions such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes continue to plague many First Nation communities and are more susceptible to this Pandemic.

“We know that these are difficult times for everyone and making ends meet and/or having access to adequate health care is important for everyone, especially for our people who reside both on and off our First Nation. Respect and reciprocity are a core value for Anishinabe people and in honour of our Seven Grandfather teachings, we are proud to make these donations to worthy and much needed organizations who continue to service us in the Algoma region. Now more than ever we must stand united as one nation in a common cause to fight COVID-19” stated Chief Rickard.