Supplied by the Huron Superior Catholic District School Board…

Sault Ste. Marie: For the third time in four years the St. Mary’s College (SMC) Yearbook Team
has been honoured for its creativity.
The cover of the 2019-2020 yearbook has been voted tops in the Ontario/Manitoba regional
competition by Friesen Press. St. Mary’s College placed third last year in the annual regional
competition and first nationwide. In 2017-18 they were first in the regionals.
The team selected “Leaving Our Mark” as the theme for the 2019-2020 book. The background of
the cover is a group shot of students at a football game. The main front cover image shows a
student taking a photo with imagery symbolizing the memorable learning, events and activities of
the class of 2020’s time at St. Mary’s College.
“This collaboration with my peers for the cover design represents how St. Mary’s students will
leave a lasting impression for years to come on our school community. The doodles are creative
and whimsical to represent light-hearted fun, which is what makes high school enjoyable and
memorable,” said Yearbook Team member, Amarrah Deluca.
Deluca, a Grade 11 student, added that considering what is happening due to the coronavirus the
theme is even more appropriate.
“During these difficult times in quarantine, it’s our memories and the marks our friends have left
on us that are getting us through this and keeping us strong. Now more than ever, ‘leaving our
mark’ is prevalent to each student at our school and I think this theme encompasses exactly what
this entire year has done to our lives.”SMC Yearbook Teacher Polly Garson agrees that the theme selected by the students is very
appropriate given the situation.
“It was an honour and a pleasure to lead such a talented, enthusiastic and dedicated group of
students in publishing this year’s yearbook. I am very proud of their collaboration during the
creative process and the outcome of not only the design, but the meaning behind the theme,” said
Yearbook Teacher, Polly Garson.
As was the case in previous years, winning the regional contest will see the SMC Yearbook
Team’s entry move on to the Friesen’s national Yearbook Cover Contest.