Enrollment increases for both of Sault Ste. Marie’s post secondary institutions.
Algoma University had been expecting an enrollment decline but is reporting that the actual enrollment numbers overall are up by 2.2%—–they had projected an enrollment decline of 2.7% back in April.
The University is reporting that Ontario secondary school registrations are up 30%.
Algoma U President Azima Vezina says while the loss of Saudi Arabian students was challenging, the loss was not as great as anticipated.
Sault College is reporting its best enrollment numbers in 19-years.
There are over 24-hundred full time students which is up over 10% compared to last year and combined with part-time students and apprentices, the total student population is now over 71-hundred—-that represents a 9% increase.
There are 100 more apprentices this year compared to last year and their international student population continues to grow.
Back in 2012, there were just 4 international students—-this year they have over 430.