New Algoma Public Health CEO Tony Hanlon discusses an update on the progress of the Board of Directors after their meeting on Tuesday night.

Tuesday night was the first regular board meeting for Algoma Public Health since mid-June. Work continues by the health unit to try and meet a checklist regarding Ontario Public Health Organizational Standards. Tony Hanlon became the new APH Chief Executive Officer on August 31st. In addition to family ties, he brings more than 25 years of executive experience as well as education in governance and executive leadership to the table. Hanlon says he has been impressed with the work done by Acting Medical Officer of Health Doctor Penny Sutcliffe during this time…

Hanlon will be serving in his new position until the end of August 2016. He says he hopes to see programs continue to be delivered effectively by Algoma Public Health, such as those involving health babies, flu immunization and quitting smoking. In addition to needing more board members, Hanlon talks about the ongoing search for a permanent Medical Officer of Health at APH…

Hanlon goes into more detail about the search…

One of the current efforts made to improve the state of the board is a proposed Code Of Conduct. The issue will be discussed and decided on at the next APH board meeting in October. The proposed code for board members consists of nine stipulations — one of which includes complying with conflict of interest guidelines and declaring conflicts when appropriate.