UnitedWay            Supplied by the Sault and District United Way… The United Way Community Leaders Breakfast was held, Wednesday, September 16, 2015 generously sponsored by Algoma’s Water Tower Inn & Suites.

2015 United Way Campaign Chair Jamie Caicco along with business, labour and community leaders launched the 58th United Way Campaign.

“People need help and not one organization touches so many lives as the United Way nor provides such impact. This campaign is very important for our community” said Jamie Caicco, Campaign Chair

Jamie introduced his Campaign Cabinet and shared their goal to raise enough funds to support 12,000 people in our community.  Pacesetter donations totaling $311,399 launched the 2015 United Way Campaign which will assist 3,114 people.

Pacesetter presentations were presented from  Algoma Power Inc. ; Great West Life, Canada Life, London Life Freedom 55 Financial; Great Lakes Power Transmission; PUC Inc.; Arauco – North America, Ongoing Campaign Pledges, United Way SSM and district staff , United Way Board of Directors, Leaders of the Way and the 5th Annual United Way Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament.

Gary Vipond, CEO United Way provided an overview of the “Action for Community Change Project” and the resultant Options Navigator position. The project focused on identifying barriers to employment, training and providing assistance to connect area residents with the resources they needed. The “Options Navigator” position continues to receive United Way funding and is providing a valuable service in our community.

George Wright shared a day in his role as the Options Navigator walking the Gore St. Neighbourhood, meeting people and offering to help them find the resources they need to improve their lives.