couple holding hands
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When it comes to romance is he a keeper…or should you throw him back…Read on:

Where does he sit when you’re out on a date?
A focused romantic will choose the seat facing the wall instead of the prime people watching position. He’s making you the center of attention, chances are he will give you his full romantic attention, too.

Does he look you in the eye?
If he holds your gaze for long periods, it suggests that he’s confident and will be an intense romantic. A dude whose e yes dart around the room may need constant attention himself and therefore might be selfish.

How discriminating is he?
If he makes excessive demands on the restaurant staff, fusses over menu choices, or figures the tip down to the penny, chances are he’ll be just as stingy when it comes to your romantic endeavors.

How tightly does he hold your hand?
A dude who intertwines his fingers with yours will likely cater to all of your romantic senses. If he is a mere fingertips-touching or loose handhold kind of guy, he might be shy; so you may have to guide him in the romance department.