Supplied by the Huron Superior Catholic District School Board…
Sault Ste. Marie: The 2018 Operation Smile campaign at St. Mary’s College was another resounding
The campaign, spearheaded by the Grade 12 French Immersion Religion class, was designed to have
each of the twenty students in the class raise enough funds to sponsor reconstructive surgery for one child
suffering from cleft lip or cleft palate. Thanks to the generosity of their fellow students, staff at St. Mary’s
College and the community, a total of $5,966.38 was raised, creating the opportunity for the Operation
Smile campaign to sponsor twenty-five surgeries.
“Being a part of this campaign was not only an opportunity to help others and save lives, but also to better
ourselves as teenagers. I’m so happy we were able to surpass our goal of twenty surgeries and help so
many children in need. Knowing that we were able to make an impact with our work is a very rewarding
feeling,” said Tayler Greco.
Some fun activities and events that took place to help raise funds were: a school-wide Mario Kart
tournament, a Bubble soccer tournament, Smiley Fry sales, Smiley Cookie sales, Operation Smile shirt
sales and a fun photo booth, not to mention a Grade 7/8 Hallowe’en dance on October 27th.
“I was amazed that our class was able to raise almost $6,000.00 while having fun and getting our school
involved,” said Sarah Ryan.
“This was truly a great experience. It really put a smile on my face,” said Ethan Pedinelli.
“I am so moved by the love and compassion of our entire student body, in particular, my Grade 12 Smile
Team. They truly demonstrated what it means to live as joyful disciples of Christ, working collaboratively
with staff, students and community partners to help provide life-saving surgeries to many needy children. I
congratulate them on a job well done,” said teacher mentor Mme. Trecroce.
If you were unable to assist the St. Mary’s College Operation Smile campaign, your donations are always
welcome at the main office of the school or by donating directly to