Supplied by the Algoma District School Board…
Each year the Education Act requires school boards to produce a Director’s Annual Report.
As in previous years, Algoma District School Board’s (ADSB’s) report includes updates and
progress we are making around our strategic goals of Achievement, Engagement and WellBeing. This year, the Ministry of Education requested an additional report requirement and
ADSB shared information on our ongoing efforts to promote and meet goals around equity
and inclusivity.
ADSB Director Lucia Reece presented her Annual Report to the Board on Tuesday, January
29, 2019. It has been created as an online document and will be available on the ADSB
website as of January 30, 2019.
Like last year, Director Reece placed a special focus on numbers as they pertain to the
Algoma District School Board. She presented numerous interesting statistics, percentages
and calculations of which staff, students, parents and community members might not
otherwise have been aware. For instance:
? In the 2018 calendar year, ADSB had 240 students involved in Cooperative Education
(141 male students and 99 female students). We also had 101 students who were
OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program) candidates. Three hundred employers
took on ADSB Co-op and OYAP students in 2018.
? 2018 was the second year that Grade 12 students in the Algoma District School Board
could participate in the DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) exam. It was also
the second year we saw 100% success rate. To date, we have 61 students who have
successfully obtained a DELF certification.
? In the 2017/2018 school year, 375 ADSB staff members received BMS training. BMS is
a course developed to ensure a respectful learning environment at school, providing
training and supports for enhancing desirable behavior and for understanding,
preventing and coping with undesirable behavior.
? From March to December 2018, ADSB District Review Teams conducted 24 School
Effectiveness visits. In that time, the team visited 317 individual classrooms to engage
in learning conversations about the school improvement plans. These visits support
both school and system decisions to improve student/staff learning.
To find out more about these facts, statistics and other ADSB highlights, take a look at the
2018 Algoma District School Board Director’s Annual Report online at