SaultMIThe development of Moloney’s Alley got a financial boost at Monday’s City Commission meeting. Commissioners agreed to authorize a 75 hundred dollar grant from the Michigan Municipal League and matched it with 75 hundred dollars from the DDA Capital Projects Fund. The money will specifically go towards detailed renderings, cost estimates and marketing materials focused on that development. Downtown Manager Justin Knepper says there is one specific goal he would like to see materialize for Moloney’s Alley…

Knepper acknowledged that some of that development could also involve a variety of recreation activities. Some examples include an outdoor rink during the winter months with a basketball court, tennis court or splash pad in the summer. A public pavilion or bandshell would also be considered. He added that it would take private investment to make that public space happen. Knepper says he has received some interest in development from various parties when asked about private investment coming through to enhance the area…

One example of investment would consist of 100 to 150 dollars per square foot. This translates into a cost of 6 million dollars to establish a ‘quality’ 60 thousand square foot building for apartments and/or a business. Meetings are planned with at least three property owners on Friday — meetings about Moloney’s Alley that will also involve officials with the city and the Michigan Municipal League regarding future development. Moloney’s Alley. It’s an area of Sault, Michigan that is located near vacant buildings on Ridge Street, and the former Mariner Motel lot next to the Palace Restaurant. Knepper says a plan is in the works to transform Moloney’s Alley and the surrounding area…

In the long term, Knepper adds that going into next spring and summer, there would be a number of meetings with developers where more specific details about any new construction in those spots will be known.