CitySSMThe city is reminding residents about what to do in the event of a problem bear.  The advice is a response to reports of several bear sightings in Sault Ste. Marie in recent months.  Tips include:

— Putting garbage in containers with tight-fitting lids and putting them out on the morning of garbage day.

— Frequently wash garbage cans, recycling containers and lids with a strong disinfectant

— Avoid putting meat, fish or fruit in outside composters

— Pick all ripe fruit from trees and bushes and fallen fruit off the ground

— Remove grease/food residue from barbecue grills from each use — including the grease cup.

If you see a bear and there is no immediate danger, you should call the MNR Bear Wise Reporting Line at 1-888-514-2327.  If a bear appears to threatening, persistent or aggressive, call 911 for Police.