City council has agreed to waive the sewer surcharge that appears on PUC bills for April and May.
Council agreed at last night’s meeting to approve the motion brought forward by Ward 4 Councillor Rick Niro.
The money is collected by the PUC on behalf of the city as the city will forego just over 2-million dollars in revenue to provide some financial support during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The sewer surcharge makes up 62% of the total water charges on PUC bills for residential customers.

Council has also agreed to adjust its surplus policy allowing for the full over 400-thousand dollar 2019 surplus to be allocated to the Tax Stabilization Reserve.
The Reserve can be used to reduce the tax burden on ratepayers and the move leaves the Reserve with a balance of 2.9-million.
The current surplus policy calls on the city to dedicate 40% of surplus funds to the Reserve with an equal 30% applied to the capital reserve and long-term debt.