
This is the last week of school for many children in our community. .

As they begin the carefree days of summer, children may not pay as much attention to safety as they should.

Motorists should be extra cautious and keep any eye out for children riding their bikes and skateboards.

Parents should make sure their children are wearing their safety equipment such as helmets.  Take a few minutes to remind your children to obey the rules of the road as well.  Know where your children are going and who they are with.  If they are spending time on the computer, ensure you know what they are doing and who they are contacting.

While enjoying the water this summer, make sure children are never left unattended.  Enroll your children in swimming lessons.

Make sure your children are always wearing a life jacket when boating.  Parents should get into this habit as well. Remember in the event of an emergency your children will be relying on you to be there.

On behalf of the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service enjoy your summer and above all be safe.