Design concepts and initial ideas for programming for the downtown plaza will be presented at tonight’s city council meeting.
The proposed facility would be a central gathering place for the community for concerns, movies and would feature a skating rink in the winter.
Colin Berman from the architectural firm Brook McIlroy will be on hand for tonight’s meeting.

City staff is recommending council approve 100-thousand dollars in funding for Sault College to support the construction of classroom and laboratory space for a new program.
The local college is looking to partner with Humber College in offering an engineering degree program.
The funding would come from the City’s Economic Development Fund.
Back In January of this year, council passed a resolution agreeing to set aside 20% of the Economic Development Fund to support projects of our two post secondary institutions for the remainder of the council term.

Our city’s credit rating has been maintained at Double A stable.
The credit rating is from S and P Global Ratings and is included in the council agenda for tonight’s meeting as an information item.
The report finds that budgetary results are to remain stable and healthy due to a combination of cost-containment measures and provincial funding.
It adds, the City’s very low debt burden and robust liquidity position still remain key strengths.