Seated: Current ADSB Student Trustees Maya Werner (CASS) and Madison MacLachlan (SHCVS) will finish their term on July 31st.  Standing: 2015/2016 Student Trustees are Mackenzie Hulme (CASS) and Olivia Keenan (SHCVS) will being their term on August 1st.
Seated: Current ADSB Student Trustees Maya Werner (CASS) and Madison MacLachlan (SHCVS) will finish their term on July 31st.
Standing: 2015/2016 Student Trustees are Mackenzie Hulme (CASS) and Olivia Keenan (SHCVS) will being their term on August 1st.

Safe schools was one of the main topics talked about at Tuesday’s Algoma District School Board meeting. Trustees learned about the work being done to reduce student suspensions and expulsions at the public board. It was announced that the number of suspensions fell in the secondary and intermediate panels, there was an increase in the number of suspensions at the elementary level. In the latter case, these suspensions involved students with many dual diagnoses with some students waiting for ‘residential treatment’, rather than having to leave the city to get it. There were nine expulsions in 2014-15 — all at the secondary level. All nine students are expected to return to school in September. Also included in the presentation were actions taken to help students with mental health issues, that included the Sault Area Hospital playing a role in ‘stabilizing’ affected students. Community partners such as Algoma Family Services serve as providers of treatment once questions surrounding the root of the problem are answered. Those answers could range from academic stressess to bullying and social media to conflict with parents. It was announced during the presentation that there were 150 transition meetings during this school year to start assisting students with mental health issues. Programs such as ‘Al’s Pals’ for younger students have been instrumental in helping deal with controlling emotions, with significant improvements shown in the percentage of students calming down or waiting their turn to do something. Another of these methods is the restorative approach. It was announced to public school board trustees Tuesday night that 30 facilitators have been trained to deal with troubled students in this way, with a goal to reduce the number and length of suspensions. All education assistants have been trained with three hour presentations. The restorative approach has been well received by all 10 secondary schools at the board. It was also announced that the board’s Safe Schools Team visited every high school and was active in First Nation, Mental Health and Project ABCD initiatives.

The new Algoma District School Board student trustees were announced on Tuesday. Mackenzie Hulme of CASS and Olivia Keenan of Superior Heights were elected after elections by the Student Senate on June 8th. Both of the student trustees will be going into Grade 11 at their respective schools in the fall. Mackenzie was a page for the Ontario Student Parliament and is involved in her student council and dedicated to her studies. Olivia has worked on Student Senate Projects and Project ABCD at SHC. She is also a representative on Student Council and dedicated to her studies. Both students begin their term as student trustees in August. The duo will replace Maya Werner and Madison MacLachlan, who were recognized for their work during this past school year with certificates of appreciation. Both Werner and MacLachlan expressed their appreciation serving with their adult counterparts on the board, describing their work as an amazing opportunity and an honour to represent the student voice. Board Chair Jennifer Sarlo responded that MacLachlan and Werner inspired the adult trustees to better develop student leaders, after the job they did by expanding ABCD with a winter ‘Olympic’ style event and the Youthesoo event at the Essar Centre.