
Supplied by the Huron Superior Catholic District School Board… Sault Ste. Marie: The St. Mary’s College Communications Technology: Yearbook class wound up at the top of the class in this year’s Friesens Publishing Company yearbook challenge.  The SMC team beat out twenty-three high schools across Canada and the United States. With a tight deadline of May 1st, 2015, students found out only seven days later of their win, with a score of 695 points, 205 points above second place; they earned a total of $2500.00 with their first place victory.

Each and every student had a crucial role in the 2014-2015 yearbook, from journalism and communications, to marketing and creative elements that were brought together. This year’s yearbook gave the students a chance to show their teamwork and proud school spirit, with their theme of “Our Journey” depicting the commemorate historical journey that each and every student experienced over the last fifty-nine years, before St. Mary’s College moves into its new location in September.

“I am extremely proud of the yearbook team, and the hard work and effort they put into completing the yearbook challenge. They have demonstrated tremendous teamwork and spirit. I am also grateful to all the staff and students of St. Mary’s College who have helped us complete some of the challenges,” said Polly Garson, Communications Technology Educator.

“I am very proud of Mrs. Garson and her yearbook students for what they have accomplished this past school year. To win the 2014-2015 Friesens Yearbook Challenge is an amazing feat. I just want to say congratulations to Mrs. Garson and her students and thank you for your dedication, efforts and professionalism in creating a high school yearbook that is second to none,” said Larry Pezzutto, Principal of SMC.

“This year, our yearbook staff achieved something special. We proved that when we come together, we can be rewarded in the process. It has been an honour to be the editor this year, and a bigger honour to have this incredible staff. Winning this challenge wouldn’t have been possible without them,” said Robert Sandvik, Student Yearbook Editor.

“The yearbook challenge really showed us how close the St. Mary’s family really is. We all came together and worked hard to achieve the win,” said Brooke Kennedy.

“I congratulate all involved in this tremendous accomplishment.  It certainly puts a highlight on a historic year in the long tradition of St. Mary’s College.  This type of project is one of the many experiential learning opportunities our students have to choose from; these opportunities help students develop skills and knowledge that they can carry with them into their post-secondary pathway of choice,” said John Stadnyk, Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board Director of Education.

The students are looking to use the winnings to go towards purchasing some new equipment to enhance their classroom and overall learning experience.