Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board Director of Education John Stadnyk answers questions regarding EQAO results as they relate to the board’s coming Multi-Year Strategic Plan.

One of the main items of Wednesday’s Huron-Superior Catholic Board meeting was an update of the Multi-Year Strategic Plan. The five year plan outline goals the board aims to accomplish during that time frame. Part of last night’s discussion highlighted provincial test results over the last ten years. Reading and writing results showed dramatic improvement to meet or exceed the provincial standard, success in math has become a big hurdle to achieve for students in Grades 3, 6 and 9. Director Of Education John Stadnyk says it’s a complex answer why there are gaps between student success at the board and the average in meeting provincial standard when it come to math…

Stadnyk says the board’s classroom teachers are the ones who make the difference when it comes to student achievement. He added they are also facing many challenges themselves in the form of various curriculum and technology, but Stadnyk is confident the teachers will turn things regarding math success around in the long-term. Stadnyk says it’s not only students, but teachers that need support if those results are going to improve…

On the other hand, results in reading and writing showed increases of between 15 and 20 in the amount of students meeting the provincial standard in the last decade. It was suggested that there should more of a focus on the positives in attempting to improve the success rate for math — something Stadnyk says will be considered. Some success rates in math have fallen below 50 percent in recent years — a struggle experienced by school boards across the province. Stadnyk says it will be about being more precise in teaching the subject…

Superintendent of Education Maria Esposito will be presenting some of the ideas on how the board narrow the gaps between the board’s success and the provincial average in meeting the standard. That presentation is scheduled to be made at the next board meeting on June 24th.