
Supplied by the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians…   SAULT STE. MARIE – Many of the visitors to Brady Park have noticed the cute little fox family living there. Unfortunately, they are in the wrong place. One pup has already been killed by a car, the mother has been injured, and the little family is disturbing the burials at Brady Park.

It is the responsibility of local tribes Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians and Bay Mills Indian Community to look after the burials, repatriated remains of our Anishinaabe ancestors reburied in Brady Park.

The tribes have decided it is best the fox family be relocated together to a safe, more appropriate place. This will be accomplished using live traps until all the foxes are trapped. A game warden from Bay Mills, along with Animal Control, are taking a respectful and appropriate approach to the fox family relocation. The trapping will start tonight and should be completed by the end of the week.