Grade 11 CASS student Jacob Cedolia and Grade 10 Superior Heights Collegiate Karlee Reece discuss their respective achievements in public speaking and being a part of the Minister’s Student Advisory Council.

Public board trustees heard two stories of student success at Tuesday night’s Committee Of The Whole. One of those stories was that of Karlee Reece, a Grade 10 student from Superior Heights Collegiate. She told the trustees about her trip to Toronto this month as she becomes one of the 60 members of the Minister’s Student Advisory Council for the 2015-16 school year. Reece had her reasons for wanting to be a part of this unique group…

The topics discussed at the May 8th conference in Toronto ranged from independent learning and mental health to teen pregnancy and addictions. Trustees also heard a medal winning speech from Jacob Cedolia. The Grade 11 student from CASS presented his speech on his homeschool experience and his recent entry into the public school system at CASS this year. Cedolia entered CASS this year in Grade 11 — most of his life he has been homeschooled. He told trustees how that experience prepared him to enter the public school system at CASS this year and find the courage to speak in public. Cedolia recently earned a Silver Award at the Provincial Oral Competition in the Sault about his educational experiences. He is now looking forward to realizing some ambitious plans, including bringing respect for teachers back to the classroom in the future…

Cedolia is looking forward to graduation and plans to become a teacher after studying math at Lake Superior State University. The Minister’s Student Advisory Council gives a student perspective of the education system to the province’s Education Minister. Reece says there are plenty of ideas she hopes to bring to action at her school during the coming school year…