confused man
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This list is condensed from…I think some of these reasons will surprise you…

• Digital Distraction – Media multitasking has consistently been shown to torpedo your ability to focus and make smart decisions. Just knowing there’s an unread email in your inbox hurts your ability to concentrate in the same way a 10-point IQ drop would, according to one UK study.
• Eating – You make better choices when you’re hungry, finds a recent study in “PLOS One”. Your brain often gets in the way of good judgment because you tend to overanalyze. You’re better off trusting your gut, which is your default decision-making mode when you’re hungry.
• Education – Studies show the more education you have, the more likely you are to take risky, speculative gambles when it comes to finances. Why? Your fancy book-learnin’ makes you overconfident in your own abilities … even when you don’t know what the hell you’re doing.
• Hot Guys – A recent Australian study finds that when the average heterosexual man sees another guy who is extremely good-looking, he feels less attractive. This, in turn, motivates him to increase his appeal to women in other ways … and make dumb decisions.
• Finances – The stress and mental strain of financial struggles can drop your IQ by up to 13%, roughly the same loss you’d experience from missing a night of sleep, shows a recent Harvard University study. That means guys who are broke are more likely to make bad decisions.
• Gaming – Playing a videogame that rewards risky or reckless behavior encourages you to take similar gambles in the real world. One study from Germany has found that guys who play games that involve crazy, balls-to-the-wall driving also do dumb stuff on the road in real life.
• Job – The more power and authority you have, the more likely you are to make questionable decisions, finds a USC study. As your career star rises, you feel increasingly confident in your abilities. As a result, you spend less time considering others’ opinions or doubting yourself.