City Police   Supplied by city police…
Today at 12 noon Chief Robert Keetch will officially launch Police Day 2015 at the Opening Ceremonies held at the centre court of the Station Mall.
The theme for Police Week 2015 is Discover Policing and we invite everyone to come and discover the many ways our police service, as well as other local police services, are working to keep our communities safe.  Police week also encourages citizens to consider a rewarding and fulfilling career in law enforcement.
This one day event takes place on today from 12 pm to 8 pm.
We hope that all community members can come out and participate in Police Day 2015. There will be over 38 organizations/agencies participating in this one day event, each providing displays and information for the public. In addition there will be police and emergency vehicles on display inside as well as in the parking of the Station Mall. Between 3 pm and 6 pm we will be having a “Dress like a Cop” session where children can try on police equipment and there will be opportunities for photos as well.  In addition children are encouraged to enter their name in a draw to win a youth bike draw provided by Tim Hortons.