Greg Zahn and Adam Slumskie of CIBC Wood Gundy's Intrinsic Financial Group met with the clinical team of the Maternal Child Department to hear more on how the new equipment will benefit newborn babies.
Greg Zahn and Adam Slumskie of CIBC Wood Gundy’s Intrinsic Financial Group met with the clinical team of the Maternal Child Department to hear more on how the new equipment will benefit newborn babies.
  (left to right) Velma McClelland and Elaine Pitcher, both on the SAHF Board of Directors, Adam Slumskie and Greg Zahn, Advisors with CIBC Wood Gundy's Intrinsic Financial Group, and Gisele Anderson, Manager of Maternal Child Department with the purchased equipment.
(left to right) Velma McClelland and Elaine Pitcher, both on the SAHF Board of Directors, Adam Slumskie and Greg Zahn, Advisors with CIBC Wood Gundy’s Intrinsic Financial Group, and Gisele Anderson, Manager of Maternal Child Department with the purchased equipment.

CIBC Wood Gundy has made a 25-thousand dollar donation to the Sault Area Hospital Foundation for the purchase of equipment for the Maternal Child Department.  The donation is part of CIBC Miracle Day as the CIBC Wood Gundy’s Intrinsic Financial Group fully funded the purchase of a Billisoft LED Phototherapy System and VeinViewer Vision2 System to increase care for some of the hospital’s youngest patients.