Mom wiping childs nose

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Our Mothers…with the best of intentions… told us a lot of things to keep us healthy that weren’t quite right…Here are a few…

• “It’s unhealthy to eat standing up.” – Mostly false. Some studies have shown it may cause you to eat more than when sitting, but it causes no greater risk for indigestion or other issues.
• “Reading in dim light will ruin your eyes.” – False. Your eyesight can worsen over time due to a wide variety of factors, but reading in low lighting isn’t one of them.
• “If you go outside without a coat, you’ll catch a cold.” – Mostly false. Colds and pneumonia come from viruses, not a strong breeze. However, some research has suggested that getting chilled may make us more vulnerable if we already have a virus in our system.
• “You lose 75% of your body heat through your head!” – False. The reality is that we only lose 7-to-10% of body heat through our heads. Bare hands also feel cold … not to mention bare feet.
• “Wait an hour after eating to swim, or you’ll cramp up.” – False. In fact, the exact opposite is true. In order to swim, you need energy. So how else are you going to get it? – Condensed from