Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing MP Carol Hughes news release…
Ottawa –  After long delays the Government missed the mark with a budget that doesn’t address the priorities and needs of struggling Canadians and focusses on the wealthiest few, according to Carol Hughes.  The MP for Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing is concerned that after ten years of deficits and mismanagement, Canada’s families are working harder but falling further behind.

“The Conservatives’ billions in handouts to the wealthiest few are a risk to our public services like universal health care and Canada’s economy,” said Hughes. “They could have pursued measures to help more people get ahead, but chose to line their the pockets of their wealthy friend’s instead.”

The budget is being promoted as balanced but the government is siphoning money from the Employment Insurance fund, tapping into the contingency fund, and betting the house on a rebound in the price of oil.

“Stealing from EI isn’t balancing a budget, it is just taxing people twice for the privilege of having a job,” said Hughes.  “For years Liberal governments used Employment Insurance as a source of revenue. Now the Conservatives are maintaining rates higher than what we need for insurance just to balance the budget.”

Hughes was quick to point out that some of the supportable ideas in the budget were lifted from New Democrat policy and proposals.

“It’s kind of funny how the only new ideas that will help create jobs came from NDP recommendations,” said Hughes. “Conservatives have missed their chance to investment in stable full-time jobs, accessible childcare, and affordable housing.”

Hughes says the New Democrats just can’t support the Conservatives’ expensive Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) changes and the new, unfair income-splitting scheme. These measures do little for the majority of Canadian families who are left paying the billion dollar bill for big corporations and the wealthy few.

She said New Democrats will remain committed to fighting for small business, to growing the economy while protecting our environment, and standing up for Canadian families because strong households are the backbone of a strong economy.