CitySSMMoney will be one of the topics discussed at Monday night’s City Council meeting.  Council will be asking city staff to come back with a report with three different tax levy increase scenarios, ranging between zero and one and three-quarter percent.  Council will also ask the Finance Committee to work with senior staff to develop a priority system that will help Council when it comes to supplementary spending.  In addition, a decision will be made on spending on outside agencies.  It’s being recommended that Council not reduce grants for affected agencies in 2015 and that lower funding in the future may be considered, pending evidence in the form of a written notice and a report describing any impact that reduction would have.

An update will be presented to Council on Monday regarding efforts to sustain the lottery and gaming sector in Sault Ste. Marie.  Economic Development Corporation CEO Tom Dodds is scheduled to be at council to discuss highlights on the latest goings-on to make the Sault a ‘centre of excellence’ in the lottery and gaming business.  A four page report is included in Council’s agenda — one of the main highlights is the lottery procurement process.  It’s suggested that a submission of lottery proposals is expected in the spring of next year. 

City Council will look at how two local personalities will be honoured.  A resolution suggesting the forming of a committee of four people, including a member of the late James McIntyre’s family will be considered.  The group would be responsible for determining the best way to recognize the former mayor’s service to the community.  A seperate resolution is requesting that appropriate city staff consider and recommend a suitable naming opportunity for former National Hockey League player Ron Francis to recognize his achievements.