
Easter Seals Ontario is pleased to announce Sault Ste. Marie’s new 2017 Ambassador: Isobel Farstad.
Isobel is 15 years old and attends grade 10 at Superior Heights Collegiate and Vocational School.
Isobel’s large, quirky, extended family is close-knit and loving. Isobel lives at home with three of her siblings, Evan (10), Breann (12), and Ally (13). She also enjoys the company of her family’s two dogs, Cosmo and Cara; their two cats, Patch and Mousy; and her two rabbits, Boo and Holly.
If some names sound familiar, it may be from when Isobel, her sister, and her neighbour made local news when their hot chocolate stand raised $700 for Haiti relief in 2010.
Isobel’s interests are eclectic. She loves books (especially fantasy), writing, singing, and horseback riding. Her favourite music changes every week and her favourite TV shows range from My Little Pony to Dr. Who.
As far as future career aspects, Isobel is keeping her options open, “I have a long list of things to try.”
Easter Seals has helped Isobel’s family through the facilitation of the Northern Health Travel Grant that helps with the cost of their annual trips to Toronto’s SickKids Hospital. According to Isobel’s mother Shannon, the second biggest help Easter Seals provided was “knowing someone was there [the day of the diagnosis] to tell us what to do and where to go.”
When Isobel was just seven days old her parents took her to the cleft lip and palate clinic where doctors were able to immediately diagnose her and have the family flown to Toronto for additional tests. Isobel has Goldenhar Syndrome, a rare congenital defect characterized by incomplete development of the ear, nose, soft palate, lip, and mandible, usually only affecting one side of the body. Because of this, Isobel is completely deaf in one ear and has required jaw surgery. Isobel also has Duane’s syndrome which affects the peripheral vision in one eye.
Over the course of the year, Isobel will make appearances at events in Sault Ste. Marie to promote Easter Seals’ programs and services that allow kids with physical disabilities to experience freedom, independence and a sense of accomplishment.  Three upcoming events are:
” TD Change for Change in the Lives of Easter Seals Kids (January and February) at local schools and TD Canada Trust branches.
” Snowarama for Easter Seals Kids – Saturday, February 11, Park Grille.
” Easter Seals Telethon – Sunday, March 26, Shaw Cable Channel 10.
For the past 94 years, Easter Seals Ontario has offered programs and services to help children and youth with physical disabilities from all ethnic and religious backgrounds achieve a greater level of acceptance and independence. Easter Seals provides financial assistance for the purchase of costly mobility equipment and communication devices. Easter Seals also owns and operates two fully accessible camp properties, one in London and the other near Perth, Ontario, and is recognized as an industry leader in providing specialized camping and recreation programs for kids with physical disabilities. For more information or to donate, visit