The following is a number of communiques between Brown and another anonymous citizen, as well as a demand for an apology from the Mayor – presented in chronological order:

From: Citizen S
To: “Citizen Mark Brown” <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 10:50:27 PM
Subject: Re: city treasurer

BTW, how many people went to the meeting with you?

Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 5:33:58 AM

Hi Citizen S, 

Seven citizens of Sault Ste. Marie joined me down at City Hall!!!  

Citizen C, Citizen R, Citizen R, Citizen D, Citizen G, and two wonderful citizens I have never met before, Citizen M and Citizen L.  

Of course the viewing public, even a lot of our friends Citizen S, think that I am a rule breaking anarchist for respectfully walking up to the mic at the end of the Delegations portion of the meeting to ask for permission to speak to our City Council, when, in actual fact, the exact opposite is true; I am a stickler for rules of procedure., AND I followed the rules of procedure for speaking as a Delegation to the letter. 

I asked the Agenda Review Committee on Sunday March 1st, 2015 to speak as a Delegation – DENIED, I asked, on Monday March 2, 2015, ALL city council members, including my own Ward 5 City Councillors Marchy Bruni and Frank Fata, if two of them would put their names to a Motion to Postpone the approval of the yet to be announced recommended candidate for Treasurer – DENIED, I asked Mayor Provenzano and Councillor Bruni to grant me permission to speak on behalf of our Delegation at the  March 9th City Council meeting, just like  Mayor Provenzano had granted his former neighbours on Upton Road permission to speak at the January 26th Cityh Council Meeting – DENIED, and the final step in the Delegation Request Procedure process as outlined in our Procedure By-law 2013-100 under section 24.9, I approached the City Council podium to ask for permission to speak as a Delegation at the City Council meeting, and, as large numbers of citizens saw, our Mayor Provenzano very publicly and persistently DENIED this citizen my request to speak to my city council on an issue that is very important to me and which, by the way, he had no right to do. 

Mayor Provenzano should have asked City Council to grant or deny me permission to speak. That is what the rules of procedure in Section 24 of our Procedure By-law 2013-100 REQUIRE. 

I now ask you who hijacked the Council proceedings? 

It certainly wasn’t me, Citizen Mark Brown. 

Quite clearly our City Council did not want any public input on this vitally important Treasurer selection process which will affect each and every citizen of Sault Ste. Marie for the next 20-30 years.  

Not only did our City Council not want citizen input on this Treasurer selection process, they didn’t even want anyone speaking publicly about the possibility of getting citizen input.

With respect to flashing red and yellow lights, and sign by-laws, our City Council wants all of the citizen input they can get!!! But citizen input on who should be involved in the process of selecting the next Captain of Money down at City Hall for the next generatioin… 

DENIED, go away, we’ll make the important decisions. You citizens can come back at election time to tell us what you think. 

Hey, Citizen S, I wonder if they’ll let us citizens help decide if stores should be open on Boxing Day if they ever decide to revisit that decision again? 

DENIED, go away, we’ll make the important decisions. You citizens can come back at election time to tell us what you think. 

Thanks for asking Citizen S.


Mark Brown

sent Wed 3/11/2015 5:46 AM:

Dear Mayor Provenzano,

 I respectfully request that you issue a public apology to me, and the seven other citizens I attempted to speak on behalf of at the March 9th City Council Meeting, for your insubordinate behaviour which did not follow the rules of procedure in section 24.9 of our Procedure By-law 2013-100 which required you to ask City Council if they would give me permission to speak at the end of all Regular Items on the Agenda. 

I look forward to your public apology in all media outlets copied  in this email. 


Mark Brown