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Some of us really are smart, but many of us have to fake it. Faking it just got easier thanks to a book from the editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries called “100 Words to Make You Sound Smart.” So what kind of words are on this list? They are real words. Words that you can actually use in conversation, or, in writing that do sound smart, but not ostentatious. Here are 20 of those 100 words:

1. Acrimony
(noun): rancor, spite, bitterness, hostility, ill will

2. Dichotomy
(noun): division into two contradictory or exclusive entities; something with two contradictory qualities

3. Equivocate
(verb): prevaricate, beat around the bush, vacillate

4. Esoteric
(adjective): obscure, mysterious, cryptic, arcane

5. Euphemism
(noun): inoffensive or agreeable substitute for an expression that may be distasteful or offensive

6. Fastidious
(adjective): fussy, finicky, particular

7. Finagle
(verb): obtain by indirect or convoluted means or through trickery

8. Glib
(adjective): persuasive, smooth, slick

9. Harbinger
(noun): herald, portent, omen, forerunner

10. Idiosyncratic
(adjective): individual, personal, distinctive, eccentric, peculiar

11. Insidious
(adjective): sinister, menacing

12. Lurid
(adjective): shocking, explicit, vivid, sensational

13. Maudlin
(adjective): overly sentimental, mawkish, soppy

14. Non Sequitur
(noun): a response unrelated to or not following logically from a previous statement

15. Ostentatious
(adjective): showy, flamboyant, pretentious, grandiose

16. Ostracize
(verb): exclude, shun, snub

17. Panacea
(noun): cure-all, magic potion, universal remedy

18. Sycophant
(noun): flatterer, toady

19. Ubiquitous
(adjective): everywhere, ever-present, omnipresent

20. Zealous
(adjective): enthusiastic, passionate, fervent, ardent, obsessive, fanatical, extreme