Supplied by Sault MP Terry Sheehan…
Economic security is the foundation for a better future for Canadian women. By funding projects that support women’s economic security, we are helping to create the conditions that empower women, strengthen the communities in which they live, and advance gender equality in Canada.

October 12, 2017-Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
On behalf of Maryam Monsef, Minister of Status of Women, Terry Sheehan, Member of Parliament for Sault Ste. Marie, is encouraging organizations to apply for Government of Canada funding to support the economic security of women across Canada.
Status of Women Canada has issued two new calls for proposals that will award funding to organizations for projects at the national and regional level that address institutional barriers that limit their economic security.
The first call for proposals is entitled Support for Women’s Economic Security. It will fund projects under two themes, Building Partnerships to Address Systemic Barriers and Increasing Private Sector Leadership and Investments in Women.
The first theme encourages strong collaboration between organizations to address the systemic barriers that prevent women from attaining economic security. These barriers could include issues such as the accessibility of childcare, the wage gap, and pay inequity.
The second theme urges organizations to partner with the private sector to work together to implement solutions that advance women’s economic security. Through these partnerships, the private sector can play a leading role in helping advance gender equality in Canada.

The second call for proposals is entitled Addressing Indigenous Women’s Economic Security and Prosperity, It invites project proposals from Indigenous organizations that will support the economic security and prosperity of Indigenous women across Canada. Projects selected will involve the collaboration of Indigenous women, Indigenous organizations, their communities, and the private sector. The goal is to build on the strengths of Indigenous women, identify opportunities for their economic success, and address issues limiting these opportunities. The projects will also expand community understanding of these issues, and take actions to implement the identified solutions.
Organizations are invited to visit for more information about submitting an application for funding, relevant application deadlines, and a schedule of information sessions.

“Economic security is more than just paying the bills; it’s the foundation for success and a springboard to even greater achievements. With these new calls for proposals, our Government is supporting projects that break down the barriers that can prevent women and girls from fulfilling their full potential.”
The Honourable Maryam Monsef, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Status of Women

“An investment in women is an investment in our community. By helping to ensure that Canadian women experience economic security – including people from the Riding of Sault Ste. Marie – we are setting the conditions for women to thrive in every area of their lives.”
Terry Sheehan
Member of Parliament, Riding of Sault Ste. Marie

Quick Facts
” Economic Security is composed of basic social security, defined by access to basic needs such as health, education, housing etc.
” Economic Prosperity is composed of enhanced opportunities for women which goes beyond a basic stable income and employment. It allows for women to thrive and boosts their participation in the economy.
” An estimated 30 to 40 projects will receive a total of approximately $15M. This marks the total for both calls for proposals.
” Proposed projects must address systemic barriers to women’s economic security including, but not limited to, access to childcare, pay inequity and the wage gap.
” Deadlines for each call for proposal:
o For the theme Building Partnerships to Address Systemic Barriers, the application deadline is noon (12:00 p.m.) Pacific, on November 27, 2017.
o For the theme, Increasing Private Sector Leadership and Investments in Women, the application deadline is noon (12:00 p.m.) Pacific, on January 11, 2018.
o For the Call for Proposals Addressing Indigenous Women’s Economic Security and Prosperity, the application deadline is noon (12:00 p.m.) Pacific, on January 11, 2018.
” The Women’s Program at Status of Women Canada supports eligible organizations to carry out projects to advance equality by addressing systemic barriers.


Associated Links
” Is the Women’s Program the Right Fit for Me?
” Call for Proposals Application Guide
” General Eligibility Requirements for Women’s Program Funding
” Guidelines for Eligible Expenses
” Status of Women Canada – Women’s Program