The Algoma District School Board Director Lucia Reece says she was contacted by the city today and a meeting will be held next week over the idea of possibly having municipal day care spaces operated out of schools.  It’s an option the city is exploring.  Reece says the initial discussion next week will look at how they might move forward…

Reece adds they have worked hand in hand with the District Social Services Administration Board ever since day cares were funded and operated out of schools so dealing with them is not new.  Reece says they are open and would love to support as many day cares as possible but they have to do that with an eye on space and where it makes economic sense.  She says they are currently looking for a partner to operate at one school…

There’s also the possibility of additional space at a closed high school…

A city staff recommendation to transition out of being a day care provider was narrowly voted down by city council Monday night.