EssarSteel   Ontario Superior Court Justice Frank Neubold has approved retention bonus payments for 23 management personnel with Essar Steel Algoma and a sealing order requested by the company to not reveal their names has been granted.  The 10-page decision was issued on Monday as the Key Employee Retention Plan or KERP would provide up to 3.4-million dollars which includes a 250-thousand dollar reserve for cash retention payments at the discretion of the board of directors subject to the approval of the court monitor Ernst and Young.  The United Steel Workers opposed the retention bonuses contending that the 3.4-million was excessive when you take into the account the amount of special pension shortfall payments that were deferred in the month of November.  It was further contended on behalf of the retirees that bonus payments shouldn’t be allowed if there is a liquidation of the assets.  Judge Neubold disagreed saying it would be wrong to deny KERP payment if someone stayed in an attempt to save Essar Steel Algoma from liquidation. The special bonus payments are supported by the court monitor and the Debtor in Possession lenders.