Supplied by the Sault and District United Way…
United Way Sault Ste. Marie & Algoma District is pleased to announce the establishment of a Food Security Division. This Division, under the leadership of Director of Operations Mike Delfre, will establish and operate a Food Security Resource Centre in our community. The Centre will include a food warehouse, commercial kitchen, community garden and will provide Outreach & Education Programs. The Centre will also have sufficient space to accommodate the Christmas Cheer program in the future and for an on-site Social Enterprise. Initial funding of the project is provided by the Sault Ste. Marie District Social Services Administration Board and United Way.
United Way Sault Ste. Marie & Algoma District has worked for the past two years with Co-Chairs from Algoma Public Health and NORDIK Institute at Algoma University along with twenty-five local organizations to develop and implement a community plan to reduce the impact of low income on the health and well-being of families and individuals in Sault Ste. Marie Ontario. The community plan, which includes five priorities, (Food Security, Housing, Essential Services, Workforce Entry and Engagement & Communication) has been endorsed by City Council and is being implemented by the Sault Ste. Marie Poverty Round Table. The United Way Food Security Resource Centre addresses the priority issue of Food Security and has consequently been endorsed by the Sault Ste. Marie Poverty Round Table.
The Food Security Resource Centre will coordinate food collection in the community and distribute food to the public through existing channels as well as through new channels as required. The Centre will establish a sustainable supply of food for the Sault Ste. Marie region and will strive to reduce dependency of vulnerable members of the community on food assistance through education and advocacy.