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From a woman’s point of view, what you put in your apartment either adds to your allure or damages your image. Where do you stand? Men’s Health published a test Recently. Grab a pencil and do the math. (Score zero next to items you don’t have.)

• Original art +10
• Self-portrait -6
• Wineglasses +7
• Shot glasses from 50 states -10
• Nice area rug +6
• Wall-to-wall carpet -10
• Family pictures +12
• Celebrity posters -15
• Books stacked on your bedroom floor +8
• Magazines stacked on your bathroom floor -8
• High-powered laptop +9
• 3-year-old PC -8
• Halogen lamp -10
• Down comforter +10
• Empty fridge -4
• Quality pots and pans +8
• Fireplace +9
• Milk crates as furniture -10
• Dog +10
• Cat +10
• Two cats +25

Your score:
• 60+ You dazzled.
• 30 to 59. You made a good impression.
• 0 to 29. Neutral.
• 0 to -29. We forgive you if you’re otherwise great.
• -30 to -59. We describe your bad taste to our friends and will likely call off our next date.
• -60 to -110. Um, gotta go.