Supplied by Sault, Michigan City Police…
Speeding is one of the most common causes of traffic crashes and crashes resulting in injuries or deaths in the state. Every year thousands of people are injured or killed due to traffic crashes where speeding was the contributing factor.

Last summer the Sault Ste. Marie Police Department began the “Safer Sault Streets” speed enforcement campaign within the city. The program proved to be a success with overall speeding complaints by the public gradually falling.

The Sault Ste. Marie Police Department will begin the Safer Sault Streets campaign again this year.

While on patrol during their shifts, officers will focus on strict enforcement of the posted speed limits on all streets within the city with special attention being made on known problem areas. Other traffic violations will continue to be enforced; however, since a majority of traffic crashes and other serious hazards are directly related to speeding vehicles, attention will be placed on issuing traffic citations for speeding. Officers will use various methods and tools available to them for stringent enforcement.

Fines and insurance premium increases will be costly. Other motorists and pedestrians on or near the road will appreciate it. Do yourself and those around you a favor, obey the posted speed limits.