Supplied by the City of Sault Ste. Marie…
Sault Ste. Marie, ON (2018 06 04) – Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger and Sault Ste. Marie Mayor Christian Provenzano have issued joint letters to cities in the United States that will be negatively affected by the recently announced tariff on Canadian steel entering the US.
In reaction to the tariff announcement from President Trump’s administration, there has been opposition expressed by political leaders in the US. There is a recognition from a number of municipal, state and federal politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, that a tariff on Canadian steel will be harmful to the US.
Mayor Eisenberger and Mayor Provenzano are encouraging the municipal leadership of communities in the US to express their concerns about the detrimental impact of the tariff on the communities they represent and to work within their federal administration to ensure it is lifted.
The tariff threatens the integrated and balanced relationship that has developed between the two countries. American jobs dependant on Canadian steel include sectors such as automotive, construction materials, energy resource extraction, mining/heavy equipment, oil and gas pipelines, public infrastructure and renewable energy production. Exports of Canadian steel products provide critical manufacturing inputs in several states such as Michigan ($1.46B), Ohio ($726M), Illinois ($433M), New York ($368M), Pennsylvania ($357M), Minnesota ($334M), Indiana ($325M), Texas ($228M), Kentucky ($153M), California ($132M), New Jersey ($118M) and Tennessee ($115M).
“It is important to recognize that this tariff will have a negative impact on the US economy. This tariff will have a negative impact on American industry that uses Canadian steel and on communities that have operations that support or provide raw materials for the production of Canadian steel,” said Mayor Provenzano.
“For example, Algoma purchases raw materials from communities in Michigan, Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia. Those raw materials are shipped to Sault Ste. Marie through infrastructure in these states along with Ohio and New Jersey. It is clear communities across the US will be hurt by a tariff on Canadian steel, and it is important for municipal leaders to ensure this message is heard by their federal administration.”
“This ill-conceived tariff will negatively impact companies that rely upon steel up and down the supply chain that spans both sides of the border, resulting in job losses and higher prices for consumers,” said Mayor Eisenberger. “Mayors on both sides of the border understand this, and working together we can take action to pressure the Trump administration to withdraw this job-killing tariff.”