Supplied by Tourism Northern Ontario…
(Sault Ste. Marie, ON)  Tourism Northern Ontario (TNO) is excited to share with the Northern Ontario tourism sector and residents that RTO13 has been shortlisted as finalists for four awards at the provincial 2014 Tourism Awards of Excellence hosted by Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) in November. These awards are a celebration of success and an opportunity to recognize those who have made significant contributions to Ontario’s tourism industry. Awards are distributed across three distinct programs, managed and presented by each participating organization.
Executive Director of TNO, David MacLachlan comments on the nominations, “I’m very pleased so see so many of our Northern partners as finalists this year. I congratulate each and every one of them and look forward to more good news coming from the Ontario Tourism Summit Gala.
RTO13 hold four finalist positions combined including; Tourism Northern Ontario, Algoma Country, Sunset Country, Northeastern Ontario and Tourism Sault Ste. Marie as a finalist for the Tourism Digital Marketing award, Northeastern Ontario as a finalist for the Tourism Print Collateral Award, Tourism Sault Ste. Marie as a finalist for the Tourism Marketing Campaign over $25,000 awards, and Thunder Bay Tourism, marketing lead – RTO13C and Northwestern Ontario partners as a finalist for the Tourism Marketing Partnership award.
Tourism Northern Ontario congratulates all finalists on their achievements. For more information on Tourism Northern Ontario, please visit; for more information on the 2015 Tourism Awards of Excellence please visit