NDPFederalCAROL HUGHES (New Democratic Party)

The Economy/FedNor

The Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing riding is populated with a number of small communities and is one of the largest in the country. NDP candidate Carol Hughes was asked about what she and her party would do to improve the economic situation in her area, and pointed to a couple of areas where the riding would benefit…

Hughes adds that the NDP is looking to establish a new ‘innovation tax credit’ to kick start the manufacturing sector. She was quick to point out the threat of job losses related to the shutdown of the ACR Passenger Rail Service and the loss of public sector jobs in Sault Ste. Marie. Hughes blames the Harper government for that due to what she calls its lack of interest in Northern Ontario.

Health Care

Health care is a topic that is usually discussed constantly during an election campaign. The Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing riding is an example of patients with not just medical challenges, but the additional challenge of travelling away from home to receive the care that they need. New Democrat candidate Carol Hughes says an NDP government is best for what is ailing the system…

Hughes says her party would allocate 300 million dollars towards the construction of 200 new clinics and another 200 million towards the creation of recruitment grants for health care providers. She adds the NDP would make improvements to long-term care and home care top government priorities, along with prescription drug coverage as the population ages.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership

The later weeks of this election campaign have resulted in an issue that has been bantered about more often — the Trans-Pacific Partnership. More specifically, the secrecy and what little information has been made public about it. Carol Hughes is seeking re-election in the Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing riding. The New Democrat candidate spoke up about her concerns on this topic that affects millions of people in Canada and other Pacific countries…

Hughes feels ‘fair trade’ should also be included in any trade agreement before any pen is put to paper. This means that any deal should not devalue human rights in those countries that are affected and that all parties can benefit. Hughes added she is concerned about Canada’s agriculture sector, saying that people would not be able to feed themselves if the cost of food becomes too expensive.

Bill C-51

It’s only been a few months since it was passed in Parliament. But Bill C-51 continues to be a subject that is of interest to many people. The legislation allows C-SIS to come in without evidence and arrest anyone on suspicion — if they are only thinking of an act of terror and not actively committing one. Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing NDP candidate Carol Hughes is one of those who is against the bill, and she made her opposition quite clear…

Hughes compares Bill C-51 as legislation worse than the War Measures Act that was brought in during the FLQ crisis of the 1970’s. She reinterates laws were already in place to address the issues of terrorism and terrorists, and added it’s not about putting a law in place that removes the rights of Canadians — something she feels should be repealed.

Syrian Refugee Crisis

As each day goes by, the plight of millions of refugees leaving the Middle East continues. Refugees are moving away from Syria for countries in Western Europe and beyond in search of a better life away from war. But a bigger issue is that Canada is fighting the enemy that is ISIS there, resulting in a further destabilization of that region. A-M-K New Democrat candidate Carol Hughes says her party would take a more active role in helping the people that are caught in an undesirable environment of war…

NDP leader Thomas Mulcair had promised that 10 thousand refugees would arrive in Canada by the end of this year. The Conservatives have set a total target about 35 thousand refugees from Syria and Iraq to come to Canada, while the Liberals have promised an immediate influx of 25 thousand Syrian refugees.

Energy Infrastructure/Grid Protection

It may not be a top of mind topic, but it becomes one when the power goes out. Everyone hopes that a repeat of the 2003 blackout will never happen again, but has been anything been done to enhance our energy infrastructure? Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing New Democrat Carol Hughes says her party has a plan to work towards remedying this situation…

Hughes stresses that there is a federal role to play in this area, even though electricity is a provincial matter. She then turned the subject over to the lack of federal attention and the shutdown of the ACR Passenger Rail Service. A 2 million dollar subsidy resulted in millions more in return to the economies affected by the service. She criticized the Harper government for acting before thinking about the negative impacts resulting from the removal of that subsidy.